Posted on 8:33 PM by SlipKoRnSaad
ActionManager lets a user select an action to a (system) trigger. Eg.: A trigger like headphone plugin/pullout or battery fully charged to an action like MediaPlayer Pause/Play, selecting a (system) profile.
Imagine, by using the GPS, a trigger can be defined when your (N900) is near a specific GPS location. An action to respond on the trigger can be playin a sound : I'm using the train to go back home, but I'm very sleepy. When I fall a sleep by accident, I want to wake up just before I arrive on my destination. The wakeup signal can be playing a sound, or other... ! Something like that (not implemented yet, just an example)
Currently it does pause the mediaplayer when disconnecting the headphone and start playing again when connected like (in one way)
headphoned somehow. And there's no UI at the moment for the current release ;)
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