Based on experiments with the
Calendar Icon Hack,
IP Address Widget takes the concept one step further and provides a "Widget" for your Harmattan (N950/N9) application screen that shows your current IP address(es). If you click on it, it will automatically update itself (it takes about two seconds), but that's still easier than firing up the Terminal and typing /sbin/ifconfig or playing with SDK icon on developer mode...
Download it !
If you have problems installing the .deb, please install the packages python and python-imaging (both are in the Nokia Repos) using:
$ devel-su
(enter the root password, usually "rootme")
# apt-get update
# apt-get install python python-imaging
If you are installing from the command line (with
dpkg -i), you can use
apt-get -f install after it to fulfill missing dependencies.
More infos and support also over
here !
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