Hello folks,
It's been a long time i wished to post about it, and here i am with some free time to do it :
- The first tweak (speed) improves the hildon-desktop : faster multitasking , faster contacts scrolling , faster images scroling and basically every thing will be improved
- The second tweak (battery) will change The VFS Cache Pressure value :
To 10 when locked the screen or the system is inactive and 100 when the screen is unlocked or the brightness is on, this will make us have a long standby usage because of vfs=10 and a long continues usage because of vfs=100
- Download
speedpatch.tar.gz and
- Paste Both Files in
NOTE : MyDocs is Not Documents it is the default root folder of N900 like : Nokia N900/
- Open xterminal and write:
sudo gainroot
apt-get install bash
cd /home/user/MyDocs
bash speedpatch-install.sh.txt
- Then
REBOOT when finished everything
PS : Ignore Any Errors appear about device resource busy or any others
* To check if Speedpatch was installed :
cd /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/
if no problem appeared about (
no such file or directory) then you are fine
* Uninstalling speed patch
- Download
- Save it in
- Open xterminal and write:
sudo gainroot
cd /home/user/MyDocs
bash speedpatch-uninstall.sh.txt
- Then Reboot
- Download
betterypatch.tar.gz and
- Paste Both Files in
NOTE : MyDocs is Not Documents it is the default root folder of N900 like : Nokia N900/
- Open xterminal and write:
sudo gainroot
apt-get install dbus-scripts kernel-power-settings
cp /home/user/MyDocs/batterypatch-install.sh.txt /home/user/batterypatch-install.sh.txt
chmod +rwx /home/user/batterypatch-install.sh.txt /home/user/batterypatch-install.sh.txt
* To check if Battery Patch was applied :
sudo gainroot
echo 1000 >> /proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure
Then lock the phone and unlock it
cat /proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure
you should see
If so then the patch is applied !
* Uninstalling battery patch
rm /opt/scripts/cpu_sleep.sh
rm /opt/scripts/cpu_normal.sh
rmdir /opt/scripts
kernel-config load default
kernel-config default default
rm /home/user/.kernel/custom-karam
rm /etc/event.d/dbus-scripts-session
rm /etc/dbus-scripts.d/dbus-scripts-settings-by-karam
For all other related tweaks and benchmarking, technical informations or questions, bugs or suggestions, follow the
original topic ;)
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