Saturday, July 7, 2012

[MeeGo Harmattan] Jolla will deliver MeeGo devices!

Posted on 12:09 PM by SlipKoRnSaad

As seen on opensmartpad Ltd. Jolla. a Finnish phone manufacturer who will continue the sensational work by Nokia and thus provides new MeeGo devices. The team was founded Jolla from employees of Nokia N9 Meego's team, and some brilliant minds out of the MeeGo community. Are not sensational news? This operating system has just deserves to be circulated. I'm looking forward to the future with the best operating system ever.


Jolla continues Nokia's excellent work on # MeeGo based smartphones together with the # N9 -core professionals and # MeeGo alumni community. Tweets by @ jukkaeklund

Finland ·